Construction industry acronyms - W
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'W'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] W
W/ - With
W/W - Weight For Weight
WA - Water Authority
WACC - Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WaaS - Workplace as a Service
WAG - Welsh Assembly Government
WAH - Working at Height
WAHR - Work At Height Regulations (2005)
WAO - Work Authorization Order
WAP - Wireless Access Point.
WASH - Water Sanitation and Health
WB - Welded Beam
WB - Wet Bulb
WBGT - Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
WBP - Weather & Boil Proof
WBP (ply) - Water & Boil Proof (ply)
WBS - Wood Burning Stove
WBS - Work Breakdown Structure (NRM2)
WBSD - Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary
WC - Soil wetness class
WC - Week Commencing
WC - Wetness Class
WCA - Wildlife And Countryside Act
WCC - Worshipful Company of Constructors
WCML - West Coast Main Line
WCRM - West Coast Route Modernisation
WCS - Water Cycle Strategy
WCS - Water Cycle Strategy(ies)
WD - Wood
WD - Working Drawing
WDA - Writing Down Allowances (See Business Premises Renovation Allowance (BPRA))
WDES - Working Draft Environmental Statement
WE - Work Experience
WebTAG - Web Transport Analysis Guidance
WEC - Work of Engineering Construction
WEF - World Economic Forum
WEL - Workplace Exposure Limits (See COSHH)
WeLHAM - West London Highway Assessment Model
WEMS - Wireless Energy Management Systems.
WER - Window Energy Rating
WFD - Water Framework Directive
WFH - Work from home
WG - Working Group
WGCG - Warwickshire Geological Conservation Group
WH:SHF .- Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund
WHB - Wash Hand Basin
WHCS - Welsh Housing Condition Survey
WHD - Warm Homes Discount
WHO - World Health Organisation
WHQS - Welsh Housing quality Standards
WHS - World Heritage Site
WI - Work Instruction
WIAPS - Water Industry Approved Plumbers Scheme
WID - Waste Incineration Directive
WIMD - Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
WIP - Work in Progress
WIR - Walk In Robe
WISER - Wellbeing: Improving Satisfaction of End users in Refurbishment
WLC - Whole Life Carbon
WLC - Whole Life Costing / Cost
WLL - Working Load Limit
WLR - Wholesale line rental
WM - Washing Machine
WME - Wood Moisture Equivalent
WMIA - Woodworking Machinery Importers' Association
WML - Wireless Markup Language
WMO - World Meteorological Organisation
WMS - Warehouse Management System
WO - Welsh office
WP - Without prejudice
WP - Word Processing
WP - Work Package
WPD - Western Power Distribution
WPQR - Welding Procedure Qualification Record
WPS - Welding Procedure Specification
WPZ - Water Protection Zone
WRA - Waste Regulation Authority
WRA – Working Rule Agreement.
WRAP - Waste & Resources Action Programme
WRAP - Waste And Resources Action Programme
WRAP - Winter rainfall acceptance potential
WRAS - Water Regulations Advisory Scheme
WRD - Wardrobe
WRM - Water Resource Management
WRP - Works for road purposes
WRRS - Work-Related Road Safety
WSHP - Water Source Heat Pump
WSI - Written Scheme Of Investigation
WSP - Water Safety Plan
WSS - Written Statement of Services
WSSL - Water Supply and / or Sewerage Licensing
WSUD - Water Sensitive Urban Design
WTA - Willingness To Accept
WtE - Waste-to-energy
WTL - Water Technology List (see ECA Water Scheme)
WTP - Willingness To Pay
WWM Regs - The Woodworking Machines Regulations
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